The Center for Deaf-Blind Persons provides the only option available for deaf-blind new immigrants to learn the Hebrew language using Israeli Sign Language, Braille and Hebrew script.
Thus, they can integrate into Israeli society and access the basic sources of information that hearing-sighted olim take for granted such as neighbors, television, radio, etc.
Classes are individually tailored to meet the specific needs and abilities of each student, taught one-on-one in our Learning Center and supplemented by educational tours to various sites.
To date, more than 80 new immigrants, primarily from the F.S.U., have studied in the Ulpan, for periods ranging from one to two years each.
The Center for Deaf-Blind Persons
The Center for Deaf-Blind Persons is Israel’s first and only center that provides specifically tailored services and programs to meet the needs of people who have the dual disability of deaf-blindness. The leading cause in Israel is Usher Syndrome, which is a genetic condition involving both hearing loss (from birth) and the progressive loss of vision throughout life.